Joint Base Andrews Military & Family Readiness Center
Bldg 1191 Menoher Dr.
Joint Base Andrews, Maryland
*See directory of "Our Services" below for information on all of our programs. To register for events and workshops, go to our booking site at (if link doesn't load on your military computer, please use commercial wi-fi or a smartphone).
Hours of Operation
Mon-Wed & Fri: 7:30am-4:30pm
Thu: 7:30am-12:00pm
Closed on Holidays & AFDW Family Days
Please remember to contact your Unit Deployment Manager (UDM) or M&FRC for questions concerning all deployment briefings. All briefings are conducted virtually via Zoom. Please use this link to sign up: ​​​
Deployment Assistance Program
Deployment Assistance is provided to help DoD personnel and families meet the challenges during the four phases of deployment which include pre-deployment, deployment/sustainment, re-integration, and post-deployment.
Phases of Deployment
The pre-deployment phase begins upon assignment to a firm deployment tasking and ends when the Airman departs their home station. The M&FRC’s responsibility during this phase is to provide a standardized pre-deployment briefing, which is mandatory for the deploying Airman and highly encouraged for family members. M&FRC staff will contact family members to inform them of resources and services available if they are unavailable to attend the briefing.
The deployment and sustainment phase refers to the time that the member is away from their home station. The member is deployed while the family is “sustained” during the member’s absence. M&FRC programs and services are available to family members to help reduce stress for the duration of the deployment. Information is disseminated by the RNCO and other M&FRC staff individually or in groups via consultations, workshops, newsletters, email and telephone contact.
The reintegration/redeployment phase begins 30 days prior to redeployment back to the home station, and lasts up to 30 days upon return. Consultations are provided by M&FRC staff for families at the home station and are typically provided in group settings; walk-in consultations are also available. Reintegration education must be provided within 7 days of return and prior to personal recovery leave.
The post-deployment phase begins 30 days after returning to the home station and lasts until 180 days following deployment. Services provided focus on reconnecting members with their families, units and communities and presenting information to enhance resilience in our Airmen and their families. For information about deployment, please contact your local installation M&FRC. They stand by ready to assist!
Deployment Programs & Services
Calls may be placed from anywhere worldwide to the Joint Base Andrews operator, (301) 981-1110 (Commercial); this includes calls made to/from the deployed member. DSN info: 858-1110 (DSN); CONUS DSN Country code: 312.
This service is available 24/7.
There is no limit to the number of calls that are allowed to a military member or DoD civilian member serving a remote tour or are deployed/TDY for over 14 days.
When speaking to the operator, state that your call is a Hearts Apart or Morale call and give your name and the military member’s DSN number (DSN number must be provided by the military member initially).
Calls are limited to 15 minutes in length. Once the call ends after 15 minutes, you may call right back if you would like to continue the conversation.
The member placing the call to the service member does not need to be on an authorized list (this includes - but is not limited to - spouses, children, parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles or significant others).
Official Duty calls take precedence.
Check out for more information on free baby items for your new baby!
Use code MILITARY15 for 15% discount.
16 hours of free child care per child, per month, that your service member is deployed or on remote assignment with an FCC provider.
16 hours pre-deployment and 16 hours post-deployment.
If your service member is deployed for 6 months, you will be eligible for 128 hours of child care per child!
Must be used within 60 days upon service member's return.
Contact 301-981-9981 for more information.
UNITED THROUGH READING: Connecting with those you love while down range!
Video-recorded book readings available for deploying personnel.
All books/equipment will be provided.
Available to your child ANYTIME – better than Skype!
*Provided by appointment. Contact MSgt Nana Opoku, Robin Shepard, or call (301) 981-7087 to schedule.
Like us on Facebook.
Confidential, one-on-one or family counseling to assist members and their families in coping with military and family life issues. *BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Pentagon MFLC - (571) 395-0408; Joint Base Andrews MFLC - (301) 232-8481 or (301) 232-8465; Fort Meade MFLC - (301) 751-7093.
Several resources to help with the many facets of military life. Services, information and tools available all at the click of a mouse to support our military members and their families:
Information on free tickets and events. Registration for e-mail notifications available at
External Links Disclaimer
The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Air Force or the Department of Defense of the external web site, or the information, products, or services contained therein. For other-than-authorized activities such as military exchanges and Services/Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) sites, the Unites States Air Force does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the purpose of the web site.
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